Cell Tower Power

Solar Power Solutions
for Cellular Industry

As the telecom and wireless industry grows, mobile network operators, tower companies, and wireless internet service providers are expanding infrastructure in remote areas with unreliable grid power or no grid power at all. The status quo solution for inconsistant and off-grid telecom infrastructure continues to be diesel generators, which come with high fuel and maintenance costs and carbon emissions. Sun-in-one turnkey containerized solar cell tower micro-grids provides a clean, reliable, affordable alternative to diesel generators for the telecom industry.


Sun-In-One™’s telecom solar power systems are engineered with three to five days of battery storage compared to other companies that have only one day or less of battery storage. This ensures the Long-Term Life of your system’s battery storage and backup generator, thus substantially reducing future replacement or maintenance costs. Our solar systems are designed and built to be turn-key with full remote monitoring and control.

Our Containerised Solar Power Solutions for the Cellular Industry are engineered to run 100% on solar power. They are equipped with battery storage and a AC or DC generator as an additional backup system to guarantee service continuity. All systems can be grid-tied or completely off-grid. Our goal is to deliver service reliability and help you eliminate your maintenance/fuel expenses and obtain a good return on investment.

Our Cell Tower Systems Can Help You

Telecom companies can greatly reduce operating costs. We estimate that telecom companies spend 15 to 50% of operating cost on the energy needed to run cell tower. Solar installations with battery backups are more expensive to install upfront, but the yearly operational expenditure is far lower, recouping the investment in about two to four years. In the US, tax credits that are generated by purchasing this system.

Sun-In-One manufactures its system for all markets from Africa to the US and we build DC systems 24 and 48 volt and AC single and 3 Phase systems. Check out the full spec sheet, or Contact us for more information.

Key Features

Solar power systems design and engineered by Sun-In-One are manufactured to meet your needs these on figurations that include:


  • 5 year warranty on electronics, wiring and fixture.
  • 20 years on mounting hardware and panel

Installation Tips

  • Make sure your intended location for the solar panel sees no shade between 9 AM and 3 PM.
  • When installing the panel, make sure it is facing solar south. South on Google Maps is solar south.

Benefits of SUNINONE Power Systems

Turnkey Telecom and Wi-Fi energy solutions for remote locations

Reduced Cost

A solar micro-grid supplies 24/7/365 energy at a lower cost than grid power extension or running a diesel generator for telecom towers.

Ideal for Remote Telecom Sites

We have a history in designing off grid remote systems and we are able to use our years of know of installing and manfacturing solar power with battery storage solutions in rural areas all over the world and have designed systems on all 7 continents.

Fast Installation

Sun-In-One Micro grid system is plug-and-play can be installed in a matter of days, keeping pace with the rapid expansion of rural telecom infrastructure.


With containerized energy storage, micro grid systems are fire resistant and built to withstand extreme weather with insulation and a special heat resistant coating.

Switch to Clean Energy

Replacing diesel generators with on-site solar power greatly reduces carbon emissions, helping telecom operators achieve their sustainability goals.

Reliable Power Supply

Our power systems integrate solar PV, battery storage, and generators, fuel cells and propane backup to guarantee a resilient, uninterrupted power supply even when the grid fails.


Solar Zones

Our kits are designed for three-day autonomy. In order to do this, we design for the amount of hours of peak sunlight a certain region gets in a day. Use the map  to determine which zone you are in, and include that information in the contact form. If you are not sure which zone you are in, we can help you figure that out.

Irradiation and Zone-Maps
Irradiation and Zone Maps

How do know which system is right for your cell tower of Microwave tower?

We have designed our systems based on the zone location of your project. After you know the zone of your project you need to know what kind of power you need.  

  • What are your peak power needs for your highest hour of usage and your average load for a 24 hour period?
  • What is your average Amps used per hour and what is the voltage you need?

This sets the size of your batteries and the size of the solar system.    

Solar Power Unit for Cell Tower
select your zone

Solar Power for Cellular Industry Quote