Security Gate Control
Power Unit

Security Gate Control Power Unit

Safety, reliability, and efficiency are key components to a well-functioning supply line. Creating widespread systems capable of covering all these aspects can be difficult, especially as oil and gas supply lines tend to be in remote locations. Providing power to these systems requires means of on-site production. With conventional generators, this becomes a challenge as these generators require maintenance as well as fuel constantly supplied. This means that renewable energy sources can be much more cost-effective and efficient.

We believe our solar power kits are the best solution for this application. Solar energy requires little to no maintenance and no refueling. Our kits are easy to install, saving time and money when setting up the system, and can be custom-sized to meet any power requirements. Monitor and control vast pipeline networks with ease, and protect them from corrosion with a reliable power supply.


  • 5 years on power unit.
  • 3 years on backhauling and camera (FYI -Mobotix is now 5 years on camera)
  • Did you want to do: 10 Yr Product, 25 Yr Power >80% Warranty

Installation Tips

  • Make sure your intended location for the solar panel sees no shade between 9 AM and 3 PM.
  • When installing the panel, make sure it is facing solar south. South on Google Maps is solar south.
  • If you intend on installing the panel over 20ft from your light, please let us know in the contact form.

Solar Zones

Our kits are designed for three-day autonomy. In order to do this, we design for the amount of hours of peak sunlight a certain region gets in a day. Use the map  to determine which zone you are in, and include that information in the contact form. If you are not sure which zone you are in, we can help you figure that out.

Irradiation and Zone-Maps
Irradiation and Zone Maps

Security Gate Control Power Unit : select your zone

Security Gate Control Power Unit Quote