Solar Bus Stop
Lighting Kit

Bus Stop Lighting Kits

Use solar to provide lighting for your bus stops that uses your existing poles in any location that has sun, whether it’s remote and has no access to power for lighting.  Our solar bus stop lighting kits are engineered for three-day autonomy with battery storage in case of inclement weather. Also available with customizable lighting options, our Solar Bus Stop Lighting Kits have a standard run time of 14 hours or custom scheduled run times like 6 or 8 hours after dust and 1 to 2 hours before dawn.  Suninone’s solar bus stop lighting provides framing to allow just the area you want to be lite with our exclusive 90 plus CRI which provides a high-quality light all run solely on solar energy and mounts to most standard 2X2 bus stop poles.


Solar kits are designed for three-day autonomy. In order to do this, we design for the amount of hours of peak sunlight a certain region gets in a day on the worst day of the year using 30 years of weather data. Use the map on the below to determine which zone you are in, and include that information in the contact form below. If you are not sure which zone you are in, we can help you figure that out.

Key Features & Benefits

Each regional are has a distinct number of Peak Sunlight Hours. Customized kits for your area may require more or less solar power and battery storage and will be priced accordingly. The details in the provided charts are for a standard kit. The 10W 90 CRI LED for the Bus Stop Kit is 159 Lumens/Watt. 90 CRI provides crisp, clear lighting for more security (natural sunlight is 100 CRI).


  • 5 year warranty on electronics, wiring and fixture.
  • 20 years on mounting hardware and panel

Installation Tips

  • Make sure your intended location for the solar panel sees no shade between 9 AM and 3 PM.
  • When installing the panel, make sure it is facing solar south. South on Google Maps is solar south.
  • If you intend on installing the panel over 20ft from your light, please let us know in the contact form.
Product InfoComponents
Kit #Model #LED Light (1) (Watts – Lumens)Solar Panel (1) WattageBattery (1)        AHr
1SBSK178W – 1,3005055


Solar Zones

Our kits are designed for three-day autonomy. In order to do this, we design for the amount of hours of peak sunlight a certain region gets in a day. Use the map  to determine which zone you are in, and include that information in the contact form. If you are not sure which zone you are in, we can help you figure that out.

Irradiation and Zone-Maps
Irradiation and Zone Maps

Select your Solar Zone

Bus Stop Lighting Kits Quote