Automation & Controls

We are capable of providing any amount of power to any location

As transportation and manufacturing systems expand and diversify, so do the systems that control them. Machine to Machine communication is integral to the efficiency of a system, allowing for in-depth data gathering and analysis. Generating power for these systems can often be a challenge, however, due to the remote locations in which they must be placed. Controls for railways, satellite uplinks, gates and communications systems are often in locations which are either impractical or virtually impossible to connect to the grid. The best solution then becomes on-site power.

We believe that solar energy is the best solution to this problem. Our plug-and-play systems are easy to install and use, and our reliable designs mean that your systems will always have the power they need to operate. With no moving parts, maintenance costs are much lower than other forms of power. We are capable of providing any amount of power to any location.

Rail (relays and switches)

Power rail line systems with solar power. Save money on maintenance and installation, and expand upon systems already in place. Our solar power kits can easily provide energy to positive train controls (PTC), as well as monitoring and data communications systems, helping make rail systems safer and more connected.

Wireless communication

As wireless communication networks are expanded, reliable energy sources are required in order to maintain a steady signal and to keep instruments transmitting and receiving. Our solar energy kits provide inexpensive and reliable on-site power that removes the need for expensive electrical work. Our turnkey kits can help you build and expand wireless networks, ranging from small, low-wattage transmitters to full micro grids for cellular towers.

Satellite Uplink

Maintaining a strong connection with satellites in orbit is crucial for most modern-day operations. Without a steady source of energy, entire networks can collapse, even if the loss of signal only lasts for a few seconds. Our experience creating reliable solar energy micro grids has helped us develop strong energy alternatives for satellite uplinks and communications. Our solar systems are capable of providing consistent power with enough storage to survive the worst conditions.

M2M Communication

Interconnected networks of monitoring devices and machines help increase the efficiency and productivity of a process. Our experience with various forms of data transfer and backhauling has helped us develop networks of machines capable of functioning without interaction. Use our solar energy kits to provide on-site power to machines and systems in remote or hard-to-reach areas at a low installation and operational cost.

Power Units for:

DC Wattage for all uses of power in the kits for 24/7 power
AC Wattage for all uses of power in the kits for 24/7 power
Power Wattage used per hour
Power Wattage used per hour


10 SPUDC-10 10 SPUAC-10


SPUDC-15 15 SPUAC-15
20 SPUDC-20 20 SPUAC-20
25 SPUDC-25 25 SPUAC-25
30 SPUDC-30 30 SPUAC-30
35 SPUDC-35 35 SPUAC-35
40 SPUDC-40 40 SPUAC-40
45 SPUDC-45 45 SPUAC-45
50 SPUDC-50 50 SPUAC-50

Array Location Zone

Zone = Historical Peak Sun Hours in the worst month of the year with solar panel at 45⁰ angle.

Map shows the Zones we have designed standard kits for but all kits need full sun from 8am to 4pm with no shade to the south of your solar panels.

Irradiation and Zone-Maps
Irradiation and Zone Maps

Automation & Control Quote